In this section we outline the SDGs in which Senda Ecoway is framed.


Tourism that takes full account of current and future economic, social and environmental impacts to meet the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities. At Sendaecoway we are strongly committed to the pursuit and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

What is the commitment of Senda Ecoway?

GOAL 3 To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Tourism's contribution to economic growth and development can also have a collateral effect on health and wellbeing.

SENDA promotes healthy lifestyle habits while developing tourism activities. Nutrition, local and healthy gastronomy as well as mindfulness, yoga, all kinds of sports related activities in nature are part of the DNA of the activities of SENDA.

GOAL 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Tourism is an engine of global economic growth and currently creates 1 in 11 jobs. Target 8.9 recognises the contribution of the sector: by 2030, to develop and implement policies aimed at promoting sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products.

SENDA is involved in a training programme for local professionals who develop activities with potential tourist interest to bring them closer to a sector that can play a key role in their development and the viability of their activity.

GOAL 10 Reduce inequality.

Tourism can be a powerful tool for community progress and reducing inequality if it involves local people and all key actors in its development. The sector can contribute to urban renewal and rural development, and reduce regional imbalances, giving communities the opportunity to thrive at home. Tourism is also an effective means for developing countries to participate in the global economy.

SENDA promotes the development of the local population as it offers opportunities for economic development beyond their natural activity, empowering professionals to offer their activities of tourist interest to visitors to the destination interested in discovering the authenticity of the region.

SENDA is immersed in a training programme for local professionals who carry out activities of potential tourist interest in order to bring them closer to a sector that can play a key role in their development and the viability of their activity.

GOAL 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

A city that is not fit for its citizens is not fit for tourists. Sustainable tourism has the capacity to improve urban infrastructures and universal accessibility, to promote the regeneration of areas in decline and to preserve the cultural and natural heritage, assets on which tourism depends.

SENDA promotes sustainable mobility and the dissemination of the wealth and respect for the unique heritage of each destination. The cultural, historical and identity heritage of each community and the natural heritage will be respected and admired as much as it can be known and enjoyed with respect and rigorous information.

GOAL 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

A tourism sector that adopts sustainable consumption and production practices can play a significant role in the transition towards sustainability. To this end, as stated in target 12.b of goal 12, it is imperative to "Develop and implement tools that monitor the impact on sustainable development in order to achieve sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products".

SENDA promotes local authenticity as the core of its activities. Enhancing the unique characteristics of each community, its people and everything that makes it unique is one of the values that SENDA proposes to its eco-travellers.

GOAL 13 Take urgent action to mitigate climate change and its effects.

By reducing energy consumption and using renewable sources, especially in the transport and accommodation sector, tourism can help address one of our planet's most pressing challenges.

SENDA offsets the carbon footprint of its eco-travellers' activities in the voluntary market, not only through environmentally friendly activities, but also through socially responsible activities and always trying to make an impact on the region where the activity was enjoyed.

GOAL 14 Preserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Sustainable management of marine resources in the tourism sector.

SENDA chooses its marine activities with values of environmental responsibility, legal and respectful with animals. Whale watching, snorkelling in areas inhabited by species such as turtles are always carried out by the best qualified specialists committed to their activity.

GOAL 15 Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests sustainably.

Sustainable tourism plays an important role in the protection, conservation and preservation of biodiversity and in the promotion of respect for the environment.

SENDA promotes activities in nature with the help of knowledgeable guides who offer their knowledge to raise awareness and disseminate the natural wealth of the different destinations.

GOAL 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

Due to its cross-sectoral nature, tourism has the capacity to strengthen public-private partnerships and to involve multiple stakeholders - international, national, regional and local - to work together to achieve the SDGs and other common goals.

SENDA is born from a collaborative project and the contribution of multiple companies in the sector convinced that tourism must be sustainable throughout its value chain. Cooperation and collaboration is intrinsic to the activity of SENDA as it unites diverse activities to turn experiences into something unique and always connecting people, companies and projects and enhancing the interaction of local people with visitors.

GOAL 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

A city that is not fit for its citizens is not fit for tourists. Sustainable tourism has the capacity to improve urban infrastructures and universal accessibility, to promote the regeneration of areas in decline and to preserve the cultural and natural heritage, assets on which tourism depends.

SENDA promotes sustainable mobility and the dissemination of the wealth and respect for the unique heritage of each destination. The cultural, historical and identity heritage of each community and the natural heritage will be respected and admired as much as it can be known and enjoyed with respect and rigorous information.